ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


BlazeDS is a special tool that helps different computer programs talk to each other over the internet. Imagine you and your friend both have special toy cars, but they don't speak the same language. BlazeDS acts like a translator, helping the toy cars communicate with each other by translating their messages.

Similarly, when different computer programs want to exchange information, they have to use a common language called "protocols". BlazeDS helps translate these protocols so that the programs can understand each other and exchange information smoothly.

Just like how you have to make sure your toy car is connected to the internet to talk to your friend's toy car, the programs also have to be connected to the internet to use BlazeDS. When they are connected, they can use BlazeDS to "chat" with each other and share information.

BlazeDS is used by many different kinds of programs, from simple websites to complex business applications. It makes it easier for these programs to work together, helping them become more efficient and effective.