ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Block letters

Block letters are big letters that look like they are made of tiny, square blocks. They are usually used for writing titles or big signs because they are easy to read from far away.

When we write in block letters, we write each letter separately and we make sure that each letter is the same size and shape as the others. We use a ruler or guide to help us make sure the letters are straight and even, like soldiers standing in a line.

Block letters are like building blocks, where each letter is a block and we build them together to make words. It's just like building something with Legos, where we put one block on top of another until we have made what we want.

So, block letters are just big, bold letters that are easy to read from far away, and they are made by writing each letter as if it were a little building block that fits together with the others to make a word.