ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bloody Tuesday (1964)

So, in 1964, there were a bunch of people who wanted to go to school. But, some other people didn't want them to go to school because of the color of their skin. This is called racism.

On a Tuesday that year, a lot of people tried to go to school, but the mean people didn't want them there. They used really mean words and tried to hurt them. It was very scary. Some people got hurt and had to go to the hospital. It was very sad.

But, some good people saw what was happening and tried to help the people who were getting hurt. They were called civil rights activists. They stood up to the mean people and helped the people who just wanted to go to school.

After that day, things started to change. More and more people realized that it was wrong to treat people differently because of their skin color. It took a long time to change things completely, but it was an important step towards equality for all people.