ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever heard someone use the word "bluestocking"? It's an old-fashioned word that was used to describe a certain type of woman from a long time ago.

Back in the olden days, women usually weren't allowed to go to school and learn like boys were. They were usually taught how to be good wives and mothers instead. But there were some women who really wanted to learn more about the world and become educated.

These women were called bluestockings. The name comes from the type of stockings they wore. In those days, most women wore white stockings, but these educated women thought it was silly to wear fancy clothes just to fit in with society. So they wore practical blue stockings instead.

Bluestockings were often looked down upon by society because they were considered "unfeminine" for wanting to learn so much. But they didn't let that stop them from pursuing their education. They would often gather together in groups and discuss books, science, and art.

Eventually, more and more women started to become educated and the idea of a "bluestocking" went out of style. But we still remember these brave women who fought for their right to learn and be educated.