ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bochner–Kodaira–Nakano identity

The bochner-kodaira-nakano identity is a very complicated math equation that helps us understand certain properties of complex manifolds. A complex manifold is a space that has some special mathematical properties that make it different from other spaces. We can think of it like a puzzle that is made up of many smaller puzzles that fit together perfectly.

Now, the bochner-kodaira-nakano identity is like a tool that helps us see how these puzzles fit together. It tells us how the puzzles are shaped and what they are made of. But, just like using a tool, we need to know how to use the bochner-kodaira-nakano identity properly or else it won't work as it should.

So, even though it's a very complicated math equation, it's very helpful for mathematicians to understand complex manifolds better. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be a mathematician who uses the bochner-kodaira-nakano identity to help solve complex problems in math!