ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bochner's formula

Bochner's formula is a mathematical rule that helps us understand certain complicated objects called functions. Imagine you have a bunch of dots on a graph. Each dot can be connected to another dot by a line. This line represents the distance between the two dots.

Bochner's formula helps us figure out how far apart two different sets of dots (or functions) are on this graph. It does this by looking at how these dots move and change over time. Think of it like a movie - Bochner's formula helps us figure out how the dots move between each frame of the movie.

Imagine you have two different movies playing side by side. Bochner's formula helps us figure out how similar or different the movies are by comparing the dots in each movie and how they move over time.

This formula might seem complicated, but mathematicians have found it to be very useful for understanding how different sets of dots (or functions) are related to each other. So, by using Bochner's formula, we can learn a lot about how different things in our world are connected.