ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Body shaming

Body shaming is when someone makes another person feel bad about their body or the way they look. It can happen in different ways, including making fun of someone's weight or shape, criticizing them for not looking a certain way or trying to make them feel inferior.

It's like when someone calls you names or teases you because of something you can't control. For example, if you're a little bit bigger than other kids or if you have freckles on your face. It's not your fault that you look that way, but someone still tries to make you feel bad about it.

Body shaming can be hurtful and make people feel ashamed and insecure about their bodies. Everyone has a different body, and that's what makes us all unique and special. It's important to be kind and accepting of ourselves and others, and not judge people based on how they look.