ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bogon filtering

Bogon filtering is like having a filter on your computer that keeps out all the bad stuff. You know how you're not supposed to talk to strangers? Well, your computer also doesn't want to talk to strangers who are pretending to be something they're not. These are called "bogons." They might try to send your computer viruses or steal your information.

Bogon filtering is like having a bouncer at a club who only lets in people who are on the list. Your computer has a list of all the people it should talk to, and it won't talk to anyone else. The list is made up of special numbers that tell your computer who is allowed to talk to it. If someone with a different number tries to talk to your computer, the bogon filter will stop them.

So, basically, bogon filtering makes sure that your computer only talks to the right people and keeps you safe from the bad guys who are pretending to be something they're not.