A boiling water reactor is like a really big tea kettle that makes electricity. Inside the tea kettle, there are lots and lots of tiny, invisible things called atoms. When we heat up the water in the tea kettle, it starts to boil and turn into steam. The steam comes out of the top of the tea kettle and spins a big wheel called a turbine. The spinning turbine makes electricity.
The atoms in the boiling water reactor work a lot like the water in the tea kettle. We use fuel rods, which are like really big pencils filled with special atoms called uranium, to heat up water. When we heat up the water, it starts to boil and turn into steam, just like in the tea kettle. The steam comes out and spins the turbine to make electricity.
But inside the boiling water reactor, there are some really important things to make sure we're safe. One of these things is a special wall called a reactor vessel that keeps everything inside. We also have special workers who make sure the reactor is working properly and safely.
Overall, a boiling water reactor is like a big tea kettle that makes electricity with special atoms and lots of safety measures to keep us safe.