ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bomb suit

Have you ever seen a superhero wearing a really cool suit to protect themselves from their enemies’ weapons? Well, real life heroes, called bomb disposal experts, also have suits that protect them from explosions! These suits are specially designed to keep the bomb disposal expert safe from harm when they are trying to diffuse dangerous bombs or explosive devices.

Imagine you are playing catch with your friends and someone accidentally throws the ball a little too hard and it hits you. It might hurt and you could get a bruise, right? Now imagine that instead of a ball, someone threw a big firecracker at you. That would be really dangerous and could hurt you a lot!

The bomb suit is like a big, heavy suit of armor that the bomb disposal expert wears to protect them from getting hurt by explosive devices. It’s made of special materials that can catch fire, but won't let the fire spread to the person wearing the suit. The suit also has extra layers to protect them from sharp objects like metal shards that could fly through the air during an explosion.

Inside the suit, there’s a cool air conditioning system that keeps the bomb disposal expert from getting too hot in the suit. They can even talk to their team through a special microphone and speaker system built into the suit!

It’s really important that a bomb disposal expert wears a suit like this when working to diffuse a dangerous bomb or explosive device. This is because when there is a bomb, it can be very unpredictable, and the bomb suit is one of the best ways to keep the expert safe from harm.