ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Book of Discipline (Quaker)

Okay little one, have you heard of the Quakers before? They are a group of people who believe that everyone has a special connection with God and they don't have any special leaders or pastors to lead them. Instead, they make decisions together as a group and they call this process "Meeting for Worship".

Now, the Book of Discipline is a book that the Quakers use as a guide for how they should live their lives and make decisions as a group. It has lots of different parts, like the history of the Quakers, their beliefs, and their way of doing things.

The Book of Discipline also has guidance on how Quakers should behave in different situations, like how they should treat each other with kindness and respect, and how they should care for the environment. It even has sections about how Quakers should vote and what they should do when they disagree with each other.

So basically, the Book of Discipline is like a manual for how Quakers should live and make decisions together. It helps them to stay focused on their beliefs and values, and to work together as a community.