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Book of Giants

The Book of Giants is a really old book that has stories about really big people, like giants. The book is part of a group of books called the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were found in caves a long time ago. People think the stories in the Book of Giants might have been told a long long time ago, but they were written down on paper.

The stories in the Book of Giants tell about a group of giants who lived in a big land. But even though they were really big, they weren't very nice. They did bad things and caused trouble for people who lived nearby. There are also stories about angels who came down to earth and talked to the giants, but they didn't like what the giants were doing either.

Some people believe that the Book of Giants is an important book because it tells us about what people believed a long time ago. The book teaches us to be good to others and not to do bad things like the giants did. Even though the book is very old and some of the words are hard to understand, it's still fun to read and learn about the giant people.