ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Books for the Blind

Okay kiddo, let me explain books for the blind!

You know how some people can’t see things like you can? Well, they’re called blind and they can’t read books the same way you can. But that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy stories too!

So, special books were created just for them called “braille books”. They’re books with raised bumps on each page that blind people can feel with their fingers. Each bump or dot is a letter or a symbol, just like in the regular letters in a book, but raised up so they can be felt instead of seen.

There’s also something called “audio books”. They’re like regular books, but instead of reading the words, someone else reads them out loud for the blind person to listen to. So they can hear the story and imagine it in their head just like you do when you read a book!

So, books for the blind are just like regular books, but they’re made so that people who can’t see can enjoy them too. And there are different ways they can read them, like with their fingers on braille books or with their ears on audio books.