ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bootstrap percolation

Bootstrap percolation is like a game where you have a bunch of dots (or people) on a piece of paper (or a grid). Each dot (or person) can be either black (which means they're already "infected") or white (which means they're healthy).

The game starts with some of the dots (or people) already black (or "infected"). Then, we look at each white dot (or healthy person) and we count how many of its neighbors (or friends) are already black (or infected).

If a white dot has enough black neighbors (or infected friends), we turn it black (or infect it). Then we repeat the process, looking at each newly-infected dot's neighbors (or friends) to see if they should also become infected.

The goal of the game is to see if we can "infect" enough dots (or people) so that a big group of black dots (or infected people) all connect to each other, forming a cluster (or a disease outbreak). If we can't infect enough dots (or people) to form a cluster, then the game is over and we lose.

So, in summary: bootstrap percolation is a game where we try to infect enough dots (or people) in a grid so that they all become connected and form a cluster (or a disease outbreak). We do this by infecting any dot (or person) that has enough infected neighbors (or friends).