ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Born rigidity

Born rigidity is like when you try to make something bend or change its shape, but it just stays stiff and doesn't move. It's like if you try to bend a stick that's already hard and dry, it won't bend easily because it's too rigid.

Similarly, when scientists talk about Born rigidity, they're talking about how some materials are naturally stiff and resist changes in shape. These materials are made up of atoms that are arranged in a very specific way that makes them hold their shape well. This is called rigidity.

Think of a tower made of blocks. When you stack the blocks in a certain way, the tower will hold its shape well and won't wobble or fall over easily. But if you stack the blocks in a haphazard way, the tower won't hold its shape as well and might even topple over.

So, Born rigidity is all about how the atoms in a material are arranged and how that affects the material's ability to hold its shape. Materials with high Born rigidity are very strong and resistant to bending or breaking, but they can also be brittle and shatter easily if they're put under too much stress.