ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boston Cyberarts Festival

The Boston Cyber Arts Festival is a big event that happens every two years in Boston. It's like a big party to celebrate art and technology!

Have you ever played a game on a computer, or watched a video on YouTube, or seen special effects in a movie? All of those things use technology to create art. And that's what this festival is all about - showing off different types of art that use technology in cool ways.

There are lots of different things that happen at the festival. There might be art installations where you can walk around and see different things that artists have made with technology. There might be performances where people use technology to do cool things like make music or dance. And there might be talks or workshops where you can learn more about how artists use technology to create their work.

The best part is that anyone can go to the festival! So if you're in Boston when it's happening, you should definitely check it out. You might see things there that you never imagined were possible!