ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boston bread riot

So, a long time ago in the city of Boston, there was something called the Boston Bread Riot. People were really upset because they didn't have enough money to buy bread. When people can't afford to buy enough food, it makes them very worried and scared.

At the time, the cost of making bread was going up, and the government didn't want to lower the price. So, people started to get very angry and began to protest. They went around the city and even started breaking into bakeries to try to get bread for free.

Unfortunately, the police tried to stop them, and that made the situation worse. Things got out of control, and people started throwing rocks and breaking things. It was very dangerous, and some people got hurt.

Eventually, the government realized how serious this was and decided to take action by lowering the price of bread. That meant people could afford to buy it again, and the riots stopped.

So, the Boston Bread Riot happened because people were struggling to afford food, and they got very frustrated. But, thankfully, the government realized they needed to help, and things got better for everyone.