ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bottom of the pyramid

The bottom of the pyramid (also known as the BoP) is an idea that focuses on helping the world's poorest people. It looks at the number of people who make up the bottom half of the world's population, which is sometimes referred to as the "Base of the Pyramid" (BoP). These are people who are living in extreme poverty—they have little or no access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and healthcare.

The main goal of the BoP is to find ways to lift people out of poverty and provide them with more opportunities. This could include creating jobs, providing access to education, or creating new ways to help people earn money. For example, a company might create an initiative to help people in an impoverished country create their own businesses, so that they can earn money and lift themselves out of poverty.

There are a lot of different ways that companies, governments, and individuals are working to make the BoP a reality. The idea behind the BoP is that, by helping people lift themselves out of poverty, everyone will benefit in the long run.