ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brahma (Buddhism)

Brahma is a word used in Buddhism to describe certain beings who are considered to be very powerful and wise. These beings are said to live in a special realm of existence called the Brahma realm.

Think of the Brahma realm like a really fancy neighborhood where all the houses are huge and beautiful, and the people who live there have lots of money and status. The Brahma beings are like the kings and queens of this neighborhood.

But being a Brahma being doesn't necessarily mean that you're a good person or that you're enlightened. It just means that you have lots of power and lots of good karma (like a credit score for how good you've been in past lives).

In Buddhism, it's considered better to strive for enlightenment than to become a powerful Brahma being. That's because enlightenment means you've reached ultimate wisdom and compassion, whereas being a Brahma being is just a temporary state of existence that will eventually end.

So, while Brahma beings are important in Buddhist mythology, the ultimate goal is to become enlightened and reach a state beyond all realms of existence.