ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Brahmasamudram is a big word that refers to an important project that helps people in India get access to clean drinking water.

Imagine you're very thirsty and want a drink of water. But the water in your house is dirty and not safe to drink. How would you feel? You would feel sad and worried, right?

Well, many people in India have this problem. They don't have access to clean drinking water, which means they can get sick from drinking dirty water. Brahmasamudram is trying to fix this problem.

It's like getting a very big straw and putting it deep into the ground to reach a source of clean water. This water is then pumped up to the surface and cleaned so that people can drink it safely.

It's a very important project because everybody needs clean water to live healthy and happy lives. And Brahmasamudram is working hard to make sure that everybody in their community has access to clean drinking water!