ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brandon Sanderson

Okay kiddo, remember when we talked about books and how authors write them? Well, Brandon Sanderson is an author who writes really cool fantasy books that are loved by lots of people. He has written many books, including the Mistborn series, the Stormlight Archive series, and many others.

Now, what makes Brandon Sanderson special is that he has created some really amazing worlds and characters in his books, and he's really good at making stories that keep you on the edge of your seat. He's also very good at explaining complicated magic systems and making them easy to understand.

But what's even cooler is that he's really dedicated to his fans. He talks to them a lot on social media and even has a podcast where he answers their questions and talks about his writing process.

So overall, Brandon Sanderson is a really talented author who writes fantastic books and cares a lot about his fans.