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Brazilian art

Art is when people make things that are beautiful or interesting. Brazilian art is art that is made by people who live in Brazil.

Brazil is a really big country in South America, and it has a lot of different cultures and traditions. This means that there are many different types of art that come from Brazil. Some of them are traditional, which means they have been around for a long time, and some of them are new and modern.

One type of traditional Brazilian art is called folk art. This is art that is made by regular people, not professional artists. They use materials that are cheap and easy to find, like clay, wood, fabric, and paper. They often make things like masks, pottery, baskets, and dolls. These objects are used in rituals and celebrations to honor ancestors or ask for good luck.

Another type of traditional Brazilian art is called Baroque art. This is art that was made during the colonial period, when Brazil was ruled by Portugal. Baroque art is very detailed and decorative, with a lot of gold and bright colors. It was used to decorate churches and palaces. Some famous Brazilian Baroque artists are Aleijadinho and Nuno Gonçalves.

Modern Brazilian art is very varied and experimental. Some artists use traditional materials and techniques, but in a new way. Others use new materials, like plastic and electronics, to create art that is more abstract and conceptual. Some famous modern Brazilian artists are Lygia Clark, Hélio Oiticica, and Tarsila do Amaral.

Overall, Brazilian art is a reflection of the country's diversity and creativity. It shows how people have used their imaginations to express themselves and their culture over many years.