ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brazilian jiujitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a type of sport that involves grappling (wrestling) with another person. It comes from Brazil and doesn't involve punching or kicking like some other types of fighting.

In BJJ, the goal is to get your opponent to "tap out," which means they give up because they can't escape a certain move or they are in too much pain.

You wear a special outfit called a "gi" that consists of a jacket and pants. You can also train without a gi, but it's less common.

During training or a match, you start by shaking hands with your opponent, and then the goal is to get them to the ground so you can start working on submissions (moves that make them tap out).

BJJ places importance on leverage and technique, which means you can use your body weight and positioning to control your opponent and make moves that might seem impossible actually work.

There are many different moves and positions that you can learn in BJJ, and it can take years to become a skilled practitioner. Many people enjoy BJJ because it's a great workout and teaches self-defense skills.