ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Brigadoon is a magical village that only appears once every hundred years. Imagine a really special fairy tale place that stays hidden for a long time and then magically reappears for one day. It's like playing hide-and-seek with a secret place that you can only find on a certain day, and then it disappears again until many years later.

The people who live in Brigadoon are kind and happy, and they celebrate their special day with music, dancing, and lots of fun. When the day is over, the village disappears into thin air, and no one can find it again until one hundred years have passed. It's a very special and unique place that is only meant to be enjoyed on rare occasions.

Overall, Brigadoon is a magical and mystical village that is incredibly rare to come across. It's a place of celebration and happiness, but one that only comes around once every one hundred years. It's like a secret treasure that only a select few can discover and enjoy.