ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

British Columbia Treaty Process

Okay kiddo, do you know how sometimes people have arguments or disagreements and they need to talk to each other to find a solution? That's kind of what's happening in British Columbia with some Indigenous peoples and the government.

A long time ago, when British Columbia became a province, the government didn't ask some Indigenous peoples if they wanted to be a part of it. This made some Indigenous peoples feel like their land and rights were taken without their agreement or permission.

Fast forward to today, and the government wants to talk to these Indigenous peoples and find a way to make things right between them. So they came up with a process called the Treaty Process.

This process is like a big, long conversation between the Indigenous peoples and the government. They talk about what they each want and need, like land rights, resources, and self-government. They also talk about their histories and cultures, so they can understand each other better.

The goal of this process is to come up with a treaty, which is like a big agreement between the Indigenous peoples and the government. The treaty will outline what each group gets and what they need to do, like how they will share the land and resources, and how they will govern themselves.

It's a big process that takes a lot of time and effort from both sides. But if they can come up with a treaty, it will be a big step towards reconciliation and making things right for the Indigenous peoples in British Columbia.