ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

British Valve Association

So imagine you have a toy car and you want it to move forward. You would squeeze the trigger of the remote control and the car would start moving. But what happens inside the car? There is a little valve that lets the fuel flow into the engine so that it can burn and make the car move.

Just like your little toy car, big machines and systems like power plants, water treatment plants, and oil refineries also have valves. These valves control the flow of liquids, gases, and other materials, just like the valve in your toy car controls the flow of fuel.

In the UK, there are many companies that make valves and valve-related products. These companies form an association called the British Valve Association (BVA). The BVA helps its members communicate with each other and with the government. They also work to promote good quality valves and safe working practices.

So basically, the BVA is a group of companies that make valves, and they work together to make sure their products are good quality and safe to use!