ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Broad and general accents

Okay kiddo, so you know how people talk in different ways? Like some people say "tomato" and other people say "tomahto"? Well, those differences in the way people talk are called accents.

Now, sometimes people have really different accents from each other. For example, someone from Scotland might be really hard to understand if you're used to hearing people from America talk. That's because they have a really different accent called a broad accent.

A broad accent is when the way someone talks is really different from what you're used to. It might sound more dramatic or have more emphasis on certain sounds. It can be hard to understand at first, but if you listen carefully and practice, you can get used to it.

It's important to remember that just because someone has a different accent doesn't mean they're not smart or important. Everyone has their own way of talking, and that's what makes us all unique!