ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bronze laver (Temple)

Okay, imagine you are going to a really important place, like a fancy church or a castle. When you arrive, you might want to wash your hands and face to make sure you are clean and ready to see the important things inside.

Well, in the old days, people went to a special place called a temple. It was a big building where they could go to pray and worship. But before they could go inside, they had to wash themselves with water from a special bath.

This special bath was called the bronze laver. It was a big bowl made of bronze metal that was filled with water. People would dip their hands and face into the water to wash themselves clean.

The bronze laver was a very important part of the temple because it helped people be clean and ready to talk to their gods. It was also a symbol of how important it was to be clean in both body and spirit.

So whenever you see a picture of a big, fancy building with a big bowl of water in front of it, you might be looking at a bronze laver in a temple.