Brottrunk is a special kind of drink that is made from bread. Yes, you read that right - it's a drink made from bread!
First, bakers take bread and mix it with water to make a special kind of soup. This soup is a little bit like the soup your mom makes when you're sick, but instead of vegetables and chicken, it has bread in it!
Then, they let this soup sit for a few days. During this time, something magical happens! Tiny organisms called yeast start to grow in the soup. The yeast eats the sugar in the bread, and in return it makes a gas called carbon dioxide. This is what makes bread rise when you make it!
But in the case of brottrunk, the carbon dioxide doesn't just make the bread rise - it also makes the soup fizzy! That's right, brottrunk is a fizzy drink like soda or lemonade.
After a few days, the bakers strain out the soggy bread bits and you're left with a clear, fizzy liquid. This is brottrunk! Some people say it tastes a little bit sour or tangy, kind of like a tart apple.
Brottrunk is really good for you because it has lots of vitamins and minerals from the bread. It's also really good for your tummy because the yeast in it helps your digestion. So, next time you see brottrunk in the store, remember - it's a fizzy, bread-based drink that's good for you!