ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brussels Collision Convention

Okay, so imagine you and your friends are at a super fun party. You are playing games and running around having a great time. But then, accidentally, you bump into your friend and they fall down and get hurt. That's not good, right? You didn't mean to hurt them, but it happened.

Now imagine that you and your friend are actually big boats out on the ocean. Just like at the party, accidents can happen on the water, too. Sometimes boats bump into each other or something goes wrong with the boats' equipment and people can get hurt or things can get damaged.

That's where the Brussels Collision Convention comes in. It's a set of rules and agreements that people who own, operate, or travel on boats have to follow if there's an accident on the water. The rules say things like who is responsible for the accident, how any damages or injuries should be paid for, and what types of boats and situations the rules apply to.

Basically, the Brussels Collision Convention is like a big rule book to make sure that if there's an accident on the water, things are handled fairly and everyone is taken care of. Kind of like having your parents step in and help sort out the situation if you and your friend accidentally hurt each other at the party.