ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bubble (computing)

Imagine you have a bunch of toys in a box, and you want to find your favorite toy. But instead of searching through the box one by one, you ask your older sibling to help you. They start looking for your favorite toy, but they keep getting distracted by other toys that they think you might like too. So they keep showing you those toys, even though they're not exactly what you're looking for.

This is kind of like what happens with bubbles in computing. When you search for something on the internet, like a product to buy or a news article to read, the computer tries to help you by showing you other things it thinks you might be interested in too. But sometimes it gets too distracted by those other things, and it ends up only showing you a small part of what's available.

This is called a "bubble." It's like a little world the computer creates just for you, based on what it thinks you like and what it thinks you want to see. But sometimes that world can be so small that you miss out on other things you might like or need to know about. That's why it's important to be aware of bubbles and try to look outside of them sometimes, so you can see a bigger picture of what's out there.
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