ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak is a yummy food that is made by cooking leftover vegetables together. When people have vegetables leftover from a meal, instead of throwing them away, they can use them to make this dish.

To make bubble and squeak, the vegetables are mashed up and mixed together. Then, they are fried in a pan until they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. When the vegetables are frying, they make a "bubble" sound and this is where the name comes from.

The "squeak" part of the name comes from the sound that the vegetables make when they are mashed up. It sounds like a little squeaking noise. When the dish is finished, it looks a bit like a pancake or fritter.

Bubble and squeak is a great way to use up leftover food and it is also very tasty. It can be eaten on its own or served as a side dish. Some people like to add meat to it to make it more filling. Overall, bubble and squeak is a yummy and fun dish to make with leftover vegetables.