ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! Let me tell you about budō.

Budō is a Japanese word that means "martial arts" or "ways of fighting." It's a way to learn how to defend yourself and others, as well as build strength and discipline.

There are many different types of budō, like karate, judo, kendo, and aikido. Each one has its own unique techniques and training methods.

To learn budō, you start by learning basic movements and exercises. You might do things like punches, kicks, and blocks. You also practice how to fall safely and quickly, so you don't get hurt when you're thrown or knocked down.

As you get more advanced, you might learn how to use weapons, like swords or staffs. You also learn how to fight against different opponents and in different situations.

Budō isn't just about fighting, though. It's also about developing your mind and character. When you practice budō, you learn to be patient, respectful, and humble. You also learn to listen carefully and follow instructions.

Overall, budō is a fun, challenging, and rewarding way to stay active and build important life skills.