ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buddha Collapsed out of Shame

A long time ago, there was a wise and peaceful man named Buddha who had many followers who looked up to him and listened to his teachings about kindness and compassion. One day, he was in a village and a man came up to him, accusing him of doing something wrong. The man was angry and rude, and even started to spit at Buddha. Even though the accusations weren't true, Buddha felt ashamed that this angry man was saying such terrible things about him.

However, instead of getting angry back, Buddha remained calm and kind. He tried to talk to the man and understand why he was so angry. It turned out that the man was actually very sad and has lost someone he loved very much. He was taking his pain out on Buddha because he didn't know how else to express it.

Even though Buddha was able to calm the man down and help him feel better, he still felt ashamed that someone could say such bad things about him. He started to feel like maybe he wasn't as good of a teacher as he thought he was. This feeling of shame became so strong that Buddha collapsed from the weight of it.

Eventually, his followers were able to help him feel better and reminded him of all the good things he had done for them and for others. They helped him understand that he was still a great teacher, even if one angry person said something bad about him. With their support, Buddha was able to get back up and continue teaching his important messages of kindness and compassion to the world.