Buddhism is a way of living that started a very long time ago in India. It teaches people to try to be kind, peaceful, and understanding of others. Followers of Buddhism think about things like being a good person, understanding their minds, and trying to reduce suffering for both themselves and and others.
Long time ago, there was a man called Siddhartha Gautama who lived in ancient India. He wasn't happy with the way his life was, so he left his comfortable home and went on a long search for answers. He traveled around and met many people and learned many things. One day, he sat under a tree and meditated until he reached a level of understanding that allowed him to see the world in a different way. After that, he became known as the Buddha.
The Buddha taught many people about his findings and helped them see the world with new eyes. His followers spread his teachings throughout India and neighboring countries. For many centuries, Buddhism was a very popular faith in India.
However, over time, people started to follow other religions such as Hinduism, so not many people in India practice Buddhism today. Even so, Buddhism has spread to many countries like China, Tibet, Japan, and Korea where the teachings are still practiced and followed.
Overall, Buddhism in India is a way of life that teaches people to be kind, peaceful, and understanding. It started many years ago with Buddha and while it's not practiced as much in India today, has had a lasting impact on the world.