ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buffalo, New York

Buffalo, New York is a big city in the state of New York. It's near a big lake called Lake Erie. A long, long time ago, a lot of Native Americans lived in the area that is now Buffalo. They fished in the lake and hunted animals like buffalo, which is why the city is called Buffalo.

When people from Europe started coming to America, they settled in Buffalo and started building homes and businesses. Buffalo became a very important city because it was close to the Great Lakes, where people could ship things like grain, coal and iron. The people in Buffalo became very rich because they were able to buy and sell these things and make a lot of money.

But bad things happened to Buffalo too. In the 1800s, there was a big fire that destroyed a lot of buildings. And later on, a disease called "the Buffalo Flu" made a lot of people sick. But the people in Buffalo didn't give up. They built new buildings and worked hard to make the city better.

Today, Buffalo is a big city with lots of things to do. There are parks where you can play, museums where you can learn about history, and lots of restaurants where you can eat yummy food. Buffalo is also home to a famous American football team called the Bills, and people love to watch them play.

Overall, Buffalo, New York is a city with a lot of history and a lot of cool things to see and do.