ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buffer overflow protection

When a program runs on a computer, it needs a space to store things temporarily, like numbers and letters it's working with. This space is called a "buffer". Sometimes, if a program isn't careful, it might try to store too much stuff in the buffer at once.

This is like trying to fit too many toys in a toy chest - if you try to shove in more than the chest can hold, some might fall out and make a mess. In the case of a buffer, when too much stuff is stored, it can "overflow" out of the buffer and make the program do things it wasn't supposed to do. This can be really bad, because it might let someone else control the program and make it do things that are harmful or dangerous.

To protect against this, programmers can put in special code that checks how much stuff is being stored in the buffer, and makes sure it doesn't go overboard. This code is called "buffer overflow protection", and it's like having a grown-up watching when you're cleaning up your toys, to make sure you don't stuff in too many and make a mess.