ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bulk foods

Bulk foods are like buying candy from a store, but instead of just buying a small pack, you can buy a whole bunch of the same candy all at once.

Imagine if you could go to a store and buy a whole bunch of your favorite snacks, like cereals, nuts, beans, and candies all in big containers. This is what happens when you buy in bulk.

When you buy in bulk, you get to buy larger amounts of food at once without any packaging, which means less waste and less cost. These foods are often stored in large bins or containers, and you can take as much as you want and pay by the pound.

It's super cool because you can buy only the amount you need instead of buying a pre-packaged amount that may go to waste because you didn't eat it all. This not only saves you money, but it can also help reduce the amount of plastic waste.

So, bulk foods are a great way to buy all your favorite snacks in larger quantities, save money, and help the environment by reducing waste.
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