ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bullenhuser Damm

Bullenhuser Damm is a sad and scary place where some very bad things happened a long time ago.

It's a big building with lots of rooms, almost like a school. During World War II, some very mean people called Nazis took control of the building and put a bunch of innocent people there.

These people were mostly kids and their teachers who the Nazis didn't like because they were Jewish or had disabilities. The kids and teachers were locked inside the rooms and treated really badly.

After some time, the Nazis decided to do something even worse. They took some of the kids and teachers to a different building in the woods and did something terrible to them.

It's really sad and horrible to think about what happened at Bullenhuser Damm. We should always remember what happened there, so that we can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again.