ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bund Tunnel

A bund tunnel is a type of tunnel that is built to protect important structures or areas from floods. Imagine there is a big river next to your city and sometimes when it rains a lot, the river can overflow and flood the city. That can be very dangerous because the water can damage buildings and hurt people.

To prevent this from happening, engineers build a special tunnel called a bund tunnel. The tunnel is usually built underground and has big walls around it. These walls act like a barrier or a dam, blocking the water from entering the tunnel and flooding the area.

The tunnel also has big doors that can be closed if there is a risk of flooding. This way, the area inside the tunnel stays dry and safe even during heavy rains or floods.

Overall, a bund tunnel is like a special secret hideout that can protect important places and people from floods. It's a really important thing to have when you live near a river or in an area with a high risk of flooding.