ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Butt joint

A butt joint is when two pieces of something are connected by putting their ends together, like when you line up the ends of two pieces of paper, one on top of the other. It's called a butt joint because the ends of the pieces are pressed together, or "butted" up against each other. It's like when you stand close to someone and your backs touch.

When you make a butt joint, the two pieces can be held together in different ways, like with glue or nails. But sometimes, a butt joint isn't very strong because the pieces can easily pull apart or break. So, it's important to make sure the pieces fit tightly together and are supported by other things, like brackets or screws, to make the joint more secure.

Overall, a butt joint is a simple way to connect two pieces of something, but it needs to be done carefully to make sure it holds up well.