ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


C.A.R. stands for Challenge, Action, and Result. It is a way of presenting your successes and accomplishments by breaking them down into three parts.

Challenge: This is the difficult situation that you had to overcome. It could be a problem you had to solve, a goal you had to reach, or a challenge you had to face.

Action: This is what you did to try and solve the problem or achieve the goal. It could be steps you took, strategies you used, or skills you employed.

Result: This is what happened as a result of your action. It could be a positive outcome (such as a successful project or successful outcome) or a negative outcome (such as a failed project or negative outcome).

Using C.A.R. can help you show potential employers or schools what you have achieved, and the skills and strategies you used to get there. It also gives you an organized and efficient way to quickly show your successes and accomplishments.