ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CAGE questionnaire

The Cage questionnaire is a tool that helps doctors determine if a person has an alcohol problem. It has 4 questions, and each question is meant to ask how much a person drinks, and how they feel when they don’t drink.

The first question asks if the person ever felt like they needed to Cut down on drinking. This is asking if they ever thought that they drink too much and should drink less.

The second question asks if the person ever felt Annoyed by someone criticizing their drinking. This is asking if someone has ever told them that they drink too much and they got upset or annoyed by that criticism.

The third question asks if the person ever felt Guilty about their drinking. This is asking if they ever did something while drinking that made them feel guilty or ashamed later.

The fourth question asks if the person ever needed a drink in the morning, to help them feel better (Eye opener). This is asking if they feel like they need to drink when they wake up to feel normal, or if they wake up feeling sick because they drank too much the night before.

If a person answers ‘yes’ to two or more of these questions, it means they may have an alcohol problem and need to speak to their doctor about it.