ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance

Care principles for indigenous data governance are rules and guidelines that help people think about the right way to use or create data about Indigenous peoples and their culture. These principles help to ensure that the data is collected in a respectful way, that it will be used as intended, and that it will be treated as something precious that should be cared for and shared cautiously. The main principles are: respect, responsibility, reciprocity, relevance, and collaboration. Respect means being aware of and taking into consideration cultural values and traditional knowledge when creating or using data. Responsibility means doing research and taking steps to make sure that data is accurate and that it respects the individuals it is about. Reciprocity means that there needs to be something given back to the people and community that is creating the data. Relevance means that the data needs to be shared and used in a way that is meaningful. Collaboration is key, which means that all stakeholders, including Indigenous people, must be involved and included in the data collection and use process.