ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CICE (sea ice model)

Cice is a tool that helps scientists study the ice that forms in the sea. The sea ice model is like a computer program that takes in lots of data about the ocean and the atmosphere and uses it to predict how much ice will form in different parts of the sea.

Think of it like baking a cake. You need to know what ingredients you have, what temperature to set the oven, and how long the cake needs to bake. Similarly, the cice model needs to know things like the temperature of the ocean, the amount of sunlight shining on it, and how fast the winds are blowing.

Once it has all this information, the model can make predictions about how much ice will form and where. Just like you can predict how big a cake will be based on how much batter you have and what size pan you're using.

Scientists use cice to help them understand how the ice in the sea is changing over time. By studying these changes, they can learn more about how the Earth's climate is changing too.