ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Copim means "Commons-Based Peer Production" which is a way that people work together to create something without a boss or a company telling them what to do.

Imagine you are in a classroom with your friends and you all want to draw a really big picture. Instead of having one person be the boss and decide what to draw, you all work together, sharing your pencils, ideas, and time. Everyone is equal, no one person is the boss, and everyone helps decide what to draw. This is an example of copim.

Now, imagine instead of drawing a picture, you and your friends want to make a video game or write a book. You all work together, sharing your skills and ideas, to create something that you can share with other people. This is also an example of copim.

In copim, everyone has a say, everyone helps, and everyone benefits from the final product. It's a way of working that values community and collaboration.