ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CORE (research service)

So, imagine you have a toy box with lots of different toys inside. Now, there are some toys that you like to play with more than others, right? Well, scientists have their own kind of toy box called a lab, and they also have certain toys that they like to play with more than others - these toys are called research tools.

One really important research tool is called "Core Services." This is like a special section of the toy box that has all the really cool and fancy toys inside - like a toy robot, a toy microscope, and even a toy computer that can do really hard math problems!

Scientists use the core services to help them with their experiments and research. For example, if a scientist wants to study tiny cells, they might use the microscope from the core services toy box to get a really close look at the cells. Or, if a scientist wants to use fancy math to figure out data, they might use the computer toy from the core services toy box to help.

So basically, the core research service is a special area in a lab that has all the cool and important tools that scientists use to help them with their experiments and research. Just like how you have your favorite toys in your toy box, scientists have their favorite research tools in the core services toy box that helps them do their job better.