ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, kiddo, a cr-function is a math term that helps us understand how different functions behave when looked at in a particular way.

Have you ever seen a roller coaster track or a winding road that goes up and down hills? Well, imagine you were driving on that road or riding on that roller coaster. You would feel the changes in height and speed, right?

In the same way, when we look at a function, we can examine how it changes when we move along its graph, kind of like going up and down hills on that road. A cr-function helps us see if the changes in the function behave smoothly, kind of like the ride on the roller coaster.

So just like you wouldn't want a bumpy or rough ride on a roller coaster, we want a cr-function to have smooth changes. That way, we can understand and use the function better to solve problems in math and science.