ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! Do you want to know what cacls is? Well, cacls is something that helps you change who can see and use files on your computer. Think of it kind of like a secret hideout that only certain people are allowed to get into.

You know how when you have a toy or a book, you might let one friend play with it but not another? That's kind of like what cacls does with your computer files. It lets you decide which people can see and use certain files, and which people can't.

Cacls does this by giving different people something called "permissions," which is just a fancy word for the ability to see or use something. Some people might have the permission to see a certain file, while others might not. It's kind of like having a club where only certain people are allowed in.

So, when you use cacls, you can control who is allowed in your "club" and who isn't. You can decide who gets to see and use certain files, and who doesn't. And that's the basics of what cacls does!
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