ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

California Assembly Bill 5 (2019)

Imagine you have a big puzzle, and each piece is a job. Some jobs are like regular puzzle pieces, but others are special and fit together in a certain way. In California, there were some people who were doing these special jobs, but they were treated like regular puzzle pieces.

The people who were doing these special jobs were often freelancers or independent contractors, which means they worked for themselves instead of for a big company. They liked this because it gave them more freedom to work the way they wanted to and choose their own schedule.

But sometimes the companies who hired these freelancers didn't treat them very well. They didn't get the same benefits and protections that regular employees got, like health insurance or paid time off.

The lawmakers in California wanted to help these freelancers, so they made a new rule called Assembly Bill 5. This rule said that if you're doing a special job that fits together in a certain way like a puzzle piece, you have to be treated like a regular employee and get the same benefits and protections.

Some people were worried about this new rule because they thought it might make it harder for freelancers to get work. But the lawmakers said they want to make sure everyone is treated fairly and gets the benefits they deserve.